A 19th Century Swedish Home With Lots Of Charm

This charming 19th century home has a rural setting in the middle of the Onsala Peninsula in Sweden. The house was built in 1887 by a shoemaker and has for the past ten years been restored to its original character with soul and great effort. The current owners strived to restore and refine the house’s original charm. They have been very careful about the history of the house and have chosen to keep details and functions as much as possible. For example, the downstairs windows are handmade copies of original frames. These beautiful features give this house a charming and unique character!

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Credits & source: Stadshem

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  • Absolutely A-M-A-Z-I-N-G !!! And waking up in a bed ( and home ) like this with that window behind me …was just what i needed !!! A Very Beautiful Abode, Congratulations !!!

    Bom Dia para Todos !!!


  • Love this house! My Mother’s side of the family is Swedish so I am naturally drawn to this decor. Visited Scandinavia some time ago and remember being so surprised at what to me looked like unmade beds in a our hotel. Long before duvets, down comforters and the Hyggie decor hit the states! Thanks for the house tour.