Outdoor Area Inspiration

It is still cold outside but the first signs of Spring are here which make me think about working in the garden and creating a cosy outdoor area. Looking for inspiration I found this beautiful patio that is part of the Spell boutique in Byron Bay. If you would like to create a similar look: Le Souk now has some beautiful cactus silk cushions on sale (from €59.95 now for €29.95!).

cactus silk cushions on sale: from €59.95 now for €29.95!

Source: Spell Australia & Le Souk

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  • Enjoy your blog, but wish that your photos were clickable, you talked about more in the photo than just what the sponsor offers, i.e. what is the fencing used above? Bamboo painted white? Where did the sofa come from? The pillows are great, but a small part of the overall.